The Best Resolution Ever
Don’t Wait Until the End of the Year to Become Happier (and Healthier!)
Whether you want to lose twenty pounds or altogether reinvent yourself, New Year’s has traditionally been the one time of the year to get underway with it. But why wait until the end of December to think about how to better your mind and body? Your birthday (instead of New Year’s) is the perfect time of year to give a gift to yourself for a healthy and sexy year ahead!
One of the common mistakes you can make with New Year’s resolutions is waiting for the perfect moment to execute your weight loss plan! What if it’s March, and you desire to start losing weight right now? Putting all your belief in a New Year’s resolution can damage your self-belief as to when you will accomplish it.
You don’t need to wait until the end of the year to start looking and feeling better about yourself. Do it on your birthday! Do it any day! After all, can you think of a better gift to give yourself than overall health and increased confidence?
Reflect on the Last Year
Before making your resolution, it can be helpful to think back on the last year. What did you accomplish? Make a list! An accomplishment list can be very helpful in elevating your motivation to pursue new goals. After all, the more confidence you feel about yourself as you focus on new goals, the more effort and motivation you’ll put into losing
Pick Just One Resolution
Devote half an hour on the morning of your birthday to celebrate YOU by focusing on a goal that will really contribute to the well-being, happiness, and health of your year that lies ahead. Whether it’s to lose five, fifteen or one hundred pounds or more, it’s important to pick just one resolution. Write it down simply: “My resolution for the coming year is to lose 30 pounds.” Tape it up on your bedroom mirror, or on your refrigerator (or anywhere else you can see it daily). Then, focus on how you’ll feel 30, 40, or 100 pounds lighter. Will you feel happy, confident, free, or peaceful? Focus on the feelings being in your new body will provide.
Develop a Plan
The most important part of successful goal setting is developing a plan or strategy. Buy a calendar reserved just for your goal. Let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds per month for the next two months. You may need to give yourself some wiggle room for when you reach a weight loss plateau (which is common) or if you ‘slip’ from time to time (also
normal). Divide those twenty pounds into five pounds per week, and then designate each day of each week with a sensible eating and workout plan, based on your budget and schedule of ten.