5 Things To Eat After A Run
Let’s run this into your diet!
Running is apparently one of the most rudimentary and exercised means to keep oneself healthy, positive, and fit. The powerful impact of Running does not only come through the techniques of Running but also through the food intake post-running. The right dietary. and protein intake ensures a more rounded and enriching effect on the body. Here are some bites which we, you take to post your sprint stunt-:
A combination of fruits and vegetables is always fruitful
Fresh fruits and vegetables are natural sources of antioxidants to help manage inflammation. Consider raw cabbage, spinach, or parsley in your post-run meal, as they all contain the amino acid glutamine—a fuel for immune cells
Simple, Easy, and Ready- Quinoa
Gluten-free, delicious, and packed with 9 grams of complete protein per cup of quinoa once cooked.6 Quinoa only takes 15 minutes to cook, so it’s a great post-run workout staple. Just be sure to rinse dry quinoa thoroughly before cooking, to remove any bitter taste.
Almonds are great for the mind and great for the body!
Runners should eat a small handful of almonds at least three to five times per week. Nuts, especially almonds, are an excellent source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that many runners fall short on because there are so few good food sources of it. Studies have shown that eating nuts several times per week lowers circulating cholesterol levels, particularly the artery-clogging LDL type, decreasing your risk of heart disease.
Sweet and yummy- Sweet Potatoes!
This festive season standard should be on the plates of runners year-round. Just a single 100-calorie sweet potato supplies more than 250 percent of the DV for vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of vitamin C, potassium, iron, and the two trace minerals manganese and copper. Many runners fail to meet their manganese and copper needs, which can have an impact on performance since these minerals are crucial for healthy muscle function.
Sesame seeds
Running elevates cortisol—the stress hormone— levels. Consuming minimally processed foods while avoiding uncomplimentary stress will help to reduce cortisol levels. Additionally, there is promising evidence that getting enough amino acids, especially arginine, and lysine, can help to reduce cortisol levels while promoting healthy hormone levels.