How Can The Change Of Season Impact Your Health?
When spring blossoms and the sun shines, it’s time to head back to work. But for some of us, changing seasons can trigger fatigue and digestive problems. The changing of seasons can bring changes in your health by altering your circadian rhythm, sleep-wake cycle, and levels of hormones that regulate hunger, cravings, and fertility.
What are seasonal changes?
Seasonal changes are when the weather changes from one season to another. Temperature, precipitation, and humidity are the significant factors affecting seasonal changes.
What are seasonal change sickness symptoms?
Seasonal changes can be challenging, but transitioning from summer to fall or winter is challenging for some people. The most common sickness symptoms during seasonal changes are cold, cough, and fever. You might be amazed to learn that seasonal changes can cause physical symptoms like headaches, nausea, and mental and emotional changes. Here are some common ways that seasonal change sickness manifests:
Headaches and migraines: Seasonal changes can trigger headaches and migraines in some people. The headaches may accompany other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, and irritability.
Fatigue: Many people experience lethargy and fatigue during winter when darkness sets in earlier each day. This fatigue can also make it harder to sleep at night, resulting in exhaustion throughout the day.
Insomnia: A common symptom of seasonal change sickness is difficulty sleeping at night because of increased light exposure during daytime hours. It leads to feeling tired during waking hours which makes it difficult to focus on school or work tasks that require concentration!
Irritability: Some people become irritable when seasons change due to their inability to adjust quickly when temperatures drop or rise unexpectedly.
Tips for staying healthy during a change of season
1. Eat your greens: It’s easy to get caught up in the holiday spirit and forget about your health, but don’t. Eating a healthy diet will help you stay strong and ward off colds during this time of year.
2. Hydrate: You might enjoy all the delicious holiday treats, but ensure you are getting enough water between them too. Hydration is critical when it comes to staying healthy.
3. Get outside: The best way to get vitamin D while avoiding the cold is by going outside and bundling up. With the lack of sunlight during the winter and all those people around you at parties and family gatherings, it can be tough to get your dose. But remember that Vitamin D is super important for your immune system, so try not to forget it
4. Take vitamins: If you haven’t already started taking your vitamins daily, now is a good time to start! Taking vitamin supplements can assist you to stay healthy, maintain a positive mood, and generally feel better. It can help lessen stress levels, which may lower your risk for heart disease and other problems.
What is the time for a seasonal change?
There is no set time for a seasonal change; it occurs as we switch and transcend through different seasons.
● Warm season takes place when days start getting longer and warmer.
● Cool-season: It happens when temperatures become cooler and days become shorter.
● Semi-tropical seasonal change occurs when there is a slight variation between the warm and cool season temperatures, creating hot summers and mild winters. It can also be called a monsoon climate because it experiences both rainy and dry seasons.
● Tropical seasonal change occurs when there is no variation between the warm and cool seasons. Both seasons are hot year-round, with little rainfall or snowfall during any part of either season.
How do bodies respond to change of season?
The human body is an incredible thing. It can adapt to almost anything, but it has limits. When you live in a place that experiences different seasons, your body adjusts to those changes by making adjustments in its internal functions and external appearance.
In the summer, your skin will be more oily than in the winter because it’s trying to stay cool by releasing sweat from your pores. Your hair might turn lighter or grow faster depending on whether or not you’re spending a lot of time outdoors in sunlight.
In the winter, however, things start to change again: your skin becomes drier because there isn’t as much moisture in the air around you. Your hair might become darker as a result of less sun exposure, and you may even find yourself craving certain foods like chocolate because they help make up for the lack of vitamin D in your diet!
Wrap up
We hope you now know everything and anything about seasonal changes. Take extra good care of your health when seasonal changes and cope with all those bitter seasonal changes like a pro!